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People involved in
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  On a farm in Henderson Valley Road, ‘arguably the best compost’ our facilitators have ever seen is being created. The farm and ashram site is part of the Shri Ram Mandir Charitable Trust, which was set up to build a community centre and place of worship for people of Hindu religion in West Auckland.

Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m Andrew, and I’ve been a member of the Kaipātiki Local Board for a year now, which has been a fun and steep learning curve for me. My background and career is social work, mainly in adult mental health and wellbeing. What composting methods do you use and how

Want to save money on your rubbish collections? Victor shares his story of getting started with composting after he researched ways to reduce rubbish collection costs. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Victor and I live in the Wairau Valley, in a house with a small outdoor space, that has lots of

You can still keep food scraps out of landfill by donating them through ShareWaste NZ. Meet Celia, who is doing just that with a Bokashi system in an apartment! Tell us a bit about yourself I live in an apartment in Grey Lynn, with my partner, with only a balcony for outdoor space. We moved

You don’t have to be an avid gardener to compost your food scraps. We’re sharing stories of people who are composting for all sorts of reasons! Tell us a bit about yourself My name is Chris and I live in Birkenhead with my partner. We have a house with its own garden, but the soil

Our facilitator Jennifer’s been creating a hugelkultur raised garden bed and sharing her journey with us along the way. Here’s her final blog post. Now that I finished my hugelkultur bed (yay!) I have reflected on what I learnt during the process and what in hindsight I might have done differently. Huge thank yous!  First,

It’s time for step 9 – mulching, as Jennifer builds a hugelkultur raised garden bed at her property. Step 9 – Adding mulch To protect the soil and the seedlings I chose to mulch my hugelkultur bed. I wanted something natural that would provide a protective cover for my soil and around my seedlings that

Jennifer’s up to step 8, adding soil and seedlings, in the process of creating a hugelkultur bed at her property. Step 8 – Adding soil and seedlings Putting the soil on top of the hugelkultur bed was hard work. Possibly harder than digging the soil out in the first place. I needed to lift the

Here’s update seven from our facilitator Jennifer, who is creating a hugelkultur bed at her property. Step 7 – Adding Compost I used about half a wheelbarrow of home made compost that had been maturing for more than a year. I sprinkled it on the top of the hugelkultur bed and let it fall down

Here’s the sixth update from our facilitator Jennifer, as she creates a hugelkultur bed at her property. Step 6 – Adding Compostable Green and Brown Materials On top of the turf you can add whatever other compostable materials you have available. Ideally, include some green materials that have lots of nitrogen, are fresh, moist and